Monday, December 14, 2009

More Investigations are comming

Stay tunned for our investigations all over the place

Friday, November 20, 2009

More Pictures of Unknown Creatures

Sightings of unknown creatures are popping up everywhere so we are going to start a investigation into where these things are from and who is covering them up stay tuned

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our Official logo

This is our offical logo for the group we also have a myspace page now still working on the others

follow us on twitter


Ok the page is still new so I am in the process of setting everything up so please bare with me .
our twitter page is
our email address is feel free to email us with any pics videos or questions or if you want a application to be a part of our group

The Devine Paranormal Group

Hi My name is Anthony D Riley and I believe that there are somethings in this world that cant be explained. Ghost ,haunting, monsters,myths,and strange occurances . I have started this group effective today to try find the truth . I am looking for new members and a application will be available soon .